
Disney just recently put out a new animated cartoon series, Baymax,….I think its 5 episodes, each under 15 minutes. Personally I found it to be adorable.

However, I keep seeing a lot of christians protesting against it. Because…There is an episode about a girls first period. And an episode where a young man asks another young man on a date. In that episode there is a character wearing a trans flag. And people are losing their minds over both.

When I watched the period episode, my first thought was…”If I had seen this as a kid, maybe I wouldn’t have felt embarrassed, maybe I wouldn’t have felt shame. Maybe I wouldn’t have tolerated my friends making fun of others with periods or periods at all…

If you have read the rest of what Ive written, you might get why thats a big deal. I cant have children. I might adopt one day though. And I would never be ok with a daughter not know how to navigate a period. I would Also, hope that any son would never even consider making fun of someone for any type of bodily function.

Dont say your kid was uncomfortable. YOU felt uncomfortable.

Im so sick of people claiming any company, Disney or whoever, is trying to indoctrinate their kids. The same people that push their kids to get saved at 5 years old. Because thats what they believe.

Im not criticizing your faith or religion, but logic has to set in at some point right?

Everyone is so content to let the internet and the Disney Chanel raise their kids but the second something pops up that doesn’t reconcile with what they believe in, they lose it and attack said company.

You don’t like it? Thats completely ok. Explain it ‘that way. “Not everyone believes how we do.”

But yall would rather condemn people because they feel and believe differently than you.

Roe vs Wade being overturned has really fucked me up.

My mom asked me the other day why I wasn’t writing. And I was honest and told her that I was too messed up.

Whether you’ve read my previous blogs or not, I take it personally. My grandfather sexually assaulted me my entire child hood. Ive been attacked twice over as an adult. I reported both. Cops didn’t bother to even follow up.

This opens the door for rapists everywhere. “She’s only claiming rape because she wants an abortion”

Thats if they investigate at all.

I can personally say that when I reported both times, I was told I was wasting my time, was wasting my dignity.

If you are celebrating Roe vs wade being overturned, let me point some things out to you.

We currently have a NICU shortage already. You can google it .Thats accurate.

There is going to be an influx of unwanted babies being dropped off at hospitals. Those babies are going straight to NICU .Those babies are going to have so many health issues.

Healthy women, women that want their babies are going to go to those same hospitals and won’t receive the Care they are looking for because the NICU is overloaded.

I get what you think you voted for. I don’t think YOU get what you voted for. Ya’ll saw the 10 year old baby in Ohio that was raped by her step father and had to travel to Indiana to have an abortion? When her doctor in Ohio appealed to their state rep, her response was to tell a 10 year old child to look at it as “an opportunity”

An opportunity for what? To die? Cause umm… she would have died if she hadn’t been able to go to Indiana and receive a life saving abortion. Her 10 year old body would not have survived.

I have friends and family members that have staunchly voted republican, prided themselves on anti abortion, Pro life “I didn’t vote for a party that kill babies” Good for you! Heres a cookie!

Maybe not but you don’t give a fuck about actual children faced with rape;incest…… they can deal with it right?

No you’d rather preach pro life and then let those same babies go to school where a mass shooting happens every god damn day and then turn your head.

I used to really take a step back from what I wanted to write because it might offend someone. I no longer care. If Im going to be myself, Im gonna do it no matter what.

Im gonna be me. Im gonna say who I am and why I feel the way I do. Ive had 2 abortions and both saved my life;. The only reason I felt bad about them, was because I grew up in church and I was told was going straight to hell. My life didn’t matter.

It didn’t matter that I made those decisions because the alternative was to let a child develop that would never survive outside of my body. And the longer I let it go, the more pain that fetus would know.

I sit here and want to kill myself that I even feel at all that I have to explain myself. I should’nt have to. No woman should have to. (real quick, I dont acually feel suicidal, but I used to) Point being, no one owes you an explanation.

I was in service industry for 10 years, Ive retired from it, Ive danced, Ive retired from that and gone back because I needed to work to survive, and I will always survive.

What Ive learned is people are people. I would so much rather be myself and hope that others can be themselves around me than ever pretend to be anything else. The most amazing women Ive ever met were dancers. I count myself blessed to among them. They are survivors, the same as I was.

Ive gone through phases that I didn’t want to admit that I danced or even bartended at a strip club, And then I grew up. Why should I care who judges me? While bartending, I met extraordinary women.

I’ve also gone through phases that I felt judged for bartending. Judged for stripping, for volunteering for women’s groups,, you name it. It doesn’t actually matter though. I always take care of myself and my animals. I like me. I like who I am. Everyone should.

I deserve good things. I deserve a good life. Take a step back. No one matters except you

So yeah, moving forward, Im just me